Plumbing and HVAC Repairs in Tierra Del Oso at High Desert Residents in Tierra Del Oso at High Desert know that staying comfortable at home comes with challenges. Aging infrastructure, hard water, and extreme temperatures take a toll on plumbing and HVAC systems. From...
First Rate Plumbing Heating and Cooling Inc Blog
heating repair
HVAC and Plumbing Services in North Albuquerque Acres
Plumbing and HVAC Repairs in North Albuquerque Acres North Albuquerque Acres, in the foothills of the Sandia Mountains, faces distinct plumbing and HVAC challenges due to its unique climate and elevation. The scorching, dry summers often push air conditioners to their...
Our Guide to Navigating a Struggling Heat Pump
A heat pump is an amazing invention. It can make the winter months much more bearable, and it’s environmentally friendly to boot. But sometimes they struggle, whether it be because of a lack of maintenance or just being old. If you have been noticing any signs that...
Our Heating Guide for 2021
Wait, don’t put away your heating system just yet! We know that temperatures are only going to get hotter from here, but you’re going to need your heating system again later on this year. So, it’s important to practice some of these important steps if you want your...
It’s Time to Repair Your Heater Before It’s Too Late!
We know that “too late” is a bit subjective. People do things differently, some people need to have a midday snack at 4:30 and others eat dinner at a comfortable 8 PM. While we don’t want to tread over anyone’s preferences, HVAC equipment is a little bit different....
Our Heater Repair: The First Rate Difference
There’s a big difference when you call us for heater repair. We’re not just some handyman that comes to your house when we’re available to just fix what we feel like fixing. We provide targeted heater repairs that maximize efficiency and effectiveness, on your...
A Furnace Doesn’t HAVE to Act Like This
Too many homeowners operate under the presumption that their heater should act a certain way. Every system has its hiccups, and as long as you can just “put up with them,” then you’re on track to enjoy quality heating for a long time, right? Well, not necessarily....
6 Things to Remember When Starting Your Heater
It’s that time of year again, and whether or not you like it—your heater is going to play a vital role in your home comfort. While it might not seem like winter ever comes in New Mexico, it absolutely does and our night chilly temperatures will creep up on you. Does...