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3 Big Furnace Issues and Why They Happen

Feb 25, 2019

repairmanThis time of year here in Santa Fe means cold weather. When temperatures really start to take a nosedive, your heater is really put to the test, and that means that any small problems that you might have start to become noticeable issues. If you have a furnace problem that’s popped up this winter and become a real irritant in your home, make sure that you contact our team. We always provide thorough service in a fast and efficient manner. We service a wide variety of heating systems, too—boilers, ductless systems, furnaces, and heat pumps. If you’re looking for a Santa Fe, NM furnace repair specialist, contact our team, we’ve serviced Albuquerque and the surrounding area since 1999.

The Problems

Odd Noises: Notice some weird noises coming from your heating system? Common furnace noises that you notice when your furnace is going south are banging, rattling, squealing, grating, or squeaking. These odd noises all denote different things, you need a professional to help you decipher what each noise means and how this impacts the overall functionality of your heating system. Even if the sound you’re hearing isn’t mentioned in the list above, contact our team if you hear any noise other than the soft, unobtrusive sound of air moving through your vents.

Inefficient Heating: These desert winters are cold, are you struggling to get warm? Your heater really only has one job, if it’s not doing it well, then it’s time to call for repair services. Inefficient heating is a big problem that a lot of homeowners face in this area. Contact a professional for service.

Dust: A lot of homeowners don’t necessarily realize how much of an outcry dust is from your heating system. Dust is a sign that your venting system is having trouble moving air throughout your home. It’s normally a very early warning sign that your heating system is on the decline. If you feel like you’re always dusting your home, it’s a good idea to contact a professional.

Common Causes

So what are some common causes of heater problems?

Lack of Maintenance: Did you skip fall tune-up services for your heater this year? Maybe you figured that nothing seemed wrong with your heater, so why cough up the extra money on a service you don’t need? This is a line of thinking that leads to big heater breakdowns and repairs in the future.

User Error: Unfortunately, a lot of heater problems manifest because of user error. Make sure you’re not one of those homeowners that sets their thermostat to a high temperature thinking that it’s going to make your home heat up faster. This is only going to make your home heat longer and inefficiently.

Old Age: How old is your heater? If it’s over the age of 15 then you’re going to run into some problems. When your heater is above this age range, it’s important to pay close attention to the quality of heating in your home—if you’re having many problems then it might just be time for a heating upgrade.

If you need furnace repair, don’t hesitate to contact our team here at Desert Suns Heating & Cooling Inc. All our technicians are NATE-certified, trained, and educated.

Categories: Heating
