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First Rate Plumbing Heating and Cooling Inc Blog

Keep Your Air Conditioner Efficiency High With These Steps

Sep 24, 2018

Air-Conditioning-TechSummer may be coming to an end, but we still have a bit of warm weather to get through before things start to consistently cool off. That means there’s still time to make sure that your air conditioner finishes the summer off as strong as possible. There are a number of steps that you should take to keep your air conditioner efficiency high, and make sure that any issues that come up are dealt with promptly. Follow the steps below, and your air conditioner will be in much better shape by the time summer finally comes to an end.

Schedule Preventive Maintenance

Air conditioning problems can be very tough to spot if you don’t know what to look for. By the time you do notice signs of an obvious problem with your air conditioner, it’s likely that the issue will have already caused some damage to the system. That’s why it’s best to catch any issues before they have the opportunity to develop that far.

Preventive maintenance allows your technician to locate and resolve issues with your air conditioner as early as possible. It reduces the odds of a serious problem threatening your air conditioner by up to 90%, and can increase the energy efficiency of the system by up to 40%. It’s a bit late in the season to conduct maintenance on your air conditioner, of course. It’s better to have it done during the spring, so you can take full advantage of the benefits that maintenance provides. Better late than never, though!

Change Your Air Filter

The air filter in your air conditioner is designed to protect the system from dust and other harmful materials that are often found in the ducts of a home. The filter needs to be changed every three months or so while the system is in heavy use, in order to prevent it from becoming clogged. A clogged air filter will block most of the air from entering the system, which means the output of the air conditioner will drop significantly. If the problem goes on long enough without being dealt with, it can eventually cause even more serious issues like the evaporator coil freezing over. Prevent this from happening to your system by changing the filter at least once at the beginning of summer, and once at the end.

These are just a couple of the more common ways that you can keep your air conditioner efficiency as high as possible through the end of the summer. If you want to know more ways to keep your air conditioner healthy for many years to come, we recommend contacting a professional contractor you trust to evaluate the system for you. They’ll be able to offer you more personalized solutions for your air conditioner.

Desert Suns heating & Cooling Inc. provides a full range of air conditioner maintenance and repair services. If you need HVAC service in Santa Fe, NM, we can help. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with one of our professional air conditioner technicians.  

Categories: Air Conditioning
