Homeowners don’t think about their thermostats enough. That’s a problem! For such a small, inexpensive component of a heating or cooling system, they really do have a significant impact on your comfort.
Take those old analog thermostats for instance. Back in the day we used to get calls about faulty air conditioners all the time because our thermostats were constantly failing and reading incorrect temperatures. We were inundated with a plague of systems that were faulty because the brain, or thermostat, didn’t have the technology that they do now.
Smart thermostats paired with our smartphone technology really are the solution many homeowners need. Being able to control your air conditioner with the touch of your phone is just one of many amazing benefits that come with such a system. Think about a new thermostat upgrade when considering air conditioning installation in Albuquerque, NM.
Which Upgrade to Choose?
Homeowners often think that their cooling is dependant on the status of their air conditioner. While the condition of your AC is incredibly important, it’s not the only thing to consider when trying to improve your home comfort. Basically, avoid having a brand new air conditioner with a subpar or ancient thermostat, your comfort will lose out.
The Uses of Upgrading Your Thermostat
When you upgrade your thermostat, you get a more customized comfort approach. Each benefit to upgrading your thermostat can compound to decrease your energy bills over time and keep your home cool and comfortable during the summer. Don’t forget, a smart thermostat will also improve your heating power in the winter!
Smartphone Access
Your air conditioner might not have to work so hard for much of the day, because a Wi-Fi thermostat will allow you to turn it on and off from your smartphone. You’ll be able to control the system when you’re out of the house, which is a luxury that wasn’t available ten years ago.
If you’re on your way back from work, make the arrival home that much better by having your home cooled already. No, you don’t need to keep your AC on all day, just tell your thermostat when you’re leaving work to turn on. The smartphone capabilities with a Wi-Fi thermostat are almost endless.
Curb Your Inefficient Habits
Did you know that we generally don’t need as much heating or cooling power when we’re asleep? It’s easy to get acquainted with the temperature of your home when you’re asleep, because you’re… well, asleep! With a smart thermostat, you can program the hours that you go to sleep. This allows the system to automatically decrease the energy consumption during the nighttime hours, lowering your heating and cooling bills dramatically year after year.
Better Results
When you’re dealing with a new thermostat, it’s just easier to pinpoint problems with your air conditioner. Think about it, an ancient thermostat won’t tell you anything when you start encountering problems with AC efficacy and efficiency. A smart thermostat will tell you all of the diagnostics of your home’s temperature, some will even tell you humidity levels, giving you more resources for pinpointing problems.
Don’t invest in a new air conditioner without thinking about a new thermostat too!
The pros at First Rate Plumbing Heating and Cooling Inc can provide you with a sate of the art thermostat. Call us! Quality work, exuberant service.