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First Rate Plumbing Heating and Cooling Inc Blog

5 Water Treatment Products that Could Change Your Life

Aug 24, 2020

We’ve talked a lot on this blog about air conditioning and plumbing services, but we rarely ever talk about the treatment of your water. In this day and age, our personal health is becoming more and more of an important part of our lives. As we try to make healthier decisions, we’re constantly shooting ourselves in the foot by having poor water quality.

What’s the point of exercising more and drinking more water if that water isn’t up to your health standards? Why would you invest in a state-of-the-art plumbing system, if it’s just going to be ruined by hard water and minerals that are unavoidable?

The good news is that there are products and services for your home that can help cut these problems down. You’re not alone. Water treatment in Albuquerque, NM has never been simpler and we’re the ones that can show you how to make your home a healthier and more efficient environment.


One, Two, or All!

Don’t feel like you have to choose between the following water treatment systems. Sometimes a combination of multiple water treatment systems can be the perfect way to make your home’s water supply really feel like it should. Talk to our team of professionals to see what systems fit your home and your budget. We promise that we won’t sell you anything you don’t need!

Water Testing

The first and perhaps most important step of water treatment is testing your water. How are you supposed to know what kind of water treatment system you need if you don’t know the contaminants and quality of your water? By scheduling this service, you get access to all the information you and your professionals need to take the next step.

Water Softeners

Does your water have a high mineral content? That’s not bad for your personal health, but it could make things difficult. Minerals in your water make it hard for soap and detergent to clean, cause distress in a plumbing system, and can overall make your skin and hair feel worse. By investing in a water softener, you can avoid the problems of hard water and get access to water that feels like it’s spa-quality.

Whole-House Water Filtration System

This type of system speaks for itself. A whole-house water filtration system will give you clean and healthy water that’s free of any contaminants you might encounter otherwise. Invest in this type of system if you’re constantly filtering your water.

UV Water Treatment System

Do you have certain types of bacteria or viruses in your water? UV light purification systems can clean your water by eliminating those harmful particles without you ever having to do anything. UV light is a proven method of cleansing water of bacteria, viruses, mold spores, and other microorganisms.

Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment System

Reverse osmosis is a great water purification system that can remove even minuscule contaminants like excess salt, fluoride, lead, chlorine, pesticides, as well as previously mentioned microorganisms. These systems are growing in popularity because of how effective they are at treating your home’s water supply.

Don’t hesitate to call our team of professionals to invest in one of these great systems or services today. We’re always happy to help clean your home of contaminants!

First Rate Plumbing Heating and Cooling Inc has your back. Call us! Quality work, exuberant service.

Categories: Plumbing
