Springtime is here which means summer is right around the corner! It’s time to get those shorts out of the closet and get ready for some fun outdoor activities. That is, until we hit a day where temperatures are too hot and we end up staying indoors to get a break from the heat. When this happens, you’ll be depending on your air conditioner heavily.
Most homeowners prepare their air conditioners for the summertime. It’s why our maintenance services are so popular! One of the best things you can do for your air conditioner right now is schedule AC maintenance in Albuquerque, IL with our team.
Then, while you’re waiting for a professional to adjust and inspect your air conditioning system, you can follow the steps we’ve listed down below. These tips are meant to get your air conditioner ready for the hot temperatures that lie ahead!
Change Out the Air Filter
First things first, why don’t you go ahead and change the air filter in your air conditioner. Chances are this air filter hasn’t been swapped out since last year, and it’s likely caught a lot of dust and debris since then. This component is an important part of the cooling process. It protects the interior components of your air conditioner, like the sensitive coils, from getting gunked up and hampering their ability to absorb heat.
Your air filter is designed to be clogged up after a while, so be sure to set this type of maintenance on a regular schedule. We recommend changing out the air filter every 1-3 months, but you can do it more frequently if you use your air conditioner more.
Ensure Maximum Airflow Indoors
Your air conditioner needs to be able to reach you if you’re going to feel cool this summer. This means unblocking your air vents so the cool, conditioned air can get to the rooms of your home. Why not invest in a ceiling fan that can help circulate air throughout your home so you actually feel the drop in temperature?
Stop Drafts From Outdoors
While your air should flow freely indoors, it shouldn’t flow in from the outdoors. Make sure your windows and doors are tightly sealed so the heat from outside is kept away from your living space. Double-paned windows and doors with insulation are going to make a huge difference in whether or not your air conditioner will be able to efficiently cool your home.
Schedule Service
Last but definitely not least, call our team for support if you need it. It’s likely that you just don’t remember if your air conditioner had a problem last year, and that problem is bound to crop up again. So, why not nip this in the bud by calling our team early to have your AC repaired?
Or better yet, call our team for AC maintenance this spring so we can adjust and improve your system. We’ll let you know if the unit needs repairs, and we’ll schedule that appointment separately. Both maintenance and repairs are great ways to be prepared for the summer.
Schedule an appointment today by calling First Rate Plumbing Heating and Cooling Inc. Quality work, exuberant service.