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First Rate Plumbing Heating and Cooling Inc Blog

Plumbing Repair

3 Plumbing Tasks You Should Never DIY

3 Plumbing Tasks You Should Never DIY

It feels nice to get your hands dirty and fix something around the house, but when it comes to plumbing, not all tasks are that simple. What you see on the surface may look completely different once you get into the pipes. There are a few reasons that you should call...

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What Counts as a Plumbing Emergency?

What Counts as a Plumbing Emergency?

Plumbing problems should be dealt with swiftly, but not all of them are considered emergencies. Some can wait until the plumber shows up at a scheduled time, but how can you tell which plumbing issue is a true emergency and which ones are just inconveniences in the...

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How Chemical Cleaners Damage Your Pipes

How Chemical Cleaners Damage Your Pipes

The commercial comes on TV for a simple little bottle that you pour down the drain, and it washes all your troubles away. An end-all solution to clogs. Sounds good too good to be true, right? That’s because it is. Even chemical cleaners who are “safe” for your pipes...

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