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First Rate Plumbing Heating and Cooling Inc Blog

It’s Time for Heating Maintenance

Oct 17, 2022

Maintenance repair technician inspection heater.

We never truly appreciate how hard our heater works to keep our home comfortable until it goes out. It’s best to prevent that from happening with annual maintenance. When was the last time your heater had a wellness check?

With cold weather fast approaching, your maintenance check could prevent expensive, large-scale issues from popping up when you least expect them. This is what an annual heating maintenance call helps you with.


Issues That Arise From a Lack of Maintenance

You won’t experience every one of these heater problems in a single year. One problem can compound and create issues with other elements of your heater, which is why maintenance is so strongly advised.

Carbon Monoxide

During the combustion process inside your heater, carbon monoxide is created as a byproduct. This deadly gas is filtered outside of your home, away from your family.

If your furnace is cracked and leaking carbon monoxide, there’s no way to know without a maintenance check, or an inspection at the very least. Carbon monoxide is invisible and odorless; you won’t know about a leak when it happens without an inspection from a trained professional.

Heating Cost Increase

Annual maintenance means getting a fresh air filter. Dust, dander, and particles clog your filter over time. This requires your heater to work harder to pull in air.

Over time, this creates additional wear and tear on your heating system. When it takes more energy to pull air through the filter, it has to work longer to achieve the desired output. Fresh air filters help you save power and money.

Reduction in Air Quality

Your heater pulls air from inside your home, passes it through the air filter, and outputs warm air with much less debris, dander, and dust. Regular maintenance ensures your system works hard to keep the air you breathe clean and free from as many particles as possible.

Larger System Breakdowns

Heater maintenance is similar to getting an oil change. It keeps your system running smoothly and efficiently. Similar to getting an oil change for your car, heater maintenance promotes longevity for your entire system.

Without maintenance, entire HVAC systems can break down. Wear and tear on your heater accelerates as problems pop up, diminishing the total life expectancy of your heating system.

Risk of Fire Hazard

Without maintenance, pressure can build inside your heating system and cause unsafe temperatures resulting in a fire. Additionally, a maintenance call can reveal issues with failed or faulty wiring which increases your chance of a fire.

Winter Is Right Around the Corner

Before the cold sets in and hooded sweatshirts come out, your heater needs a check-up. Prepare for impending cold weather with complete heater maintenance to ensure your home is comfortable throughout the whole season.

Contact us today to schedule heater maintenance Rio Rancho NM. Residents count on us for detailed, attentive service. Quality work, exuberant service.

Categories: Heating
