We’ve got bad news for you—pipes leak. We know that they’re not supposed to leak, and sometimes we go above and beyond to stop them from leaking, but all pipes eventually spring leaks somewhere. Sometimes they’re tiny pinhole leaks, other times they’re gushing leaks that can threaten water damage throughout your home. Either way, pipe leaks are a reality that every homeowner needs to be ready to deal with.
We’ve developed a handy guide to talk about pipe leaks in the easiest way possible. For homeowners, you should mainly be concerned about the main types of pipe leaks, what you should do in the event of one, and how you can better identify the leak. Make sure you’ve got a reliable plumber in Rio Rancho, NM on hand so that they can get you the professional help you need, when you need it.
Three Types of Leaks
As a homeowner, you’re not going to need to know much beyond the basic information behind a leak. You want to be able to detect a leak, call for help, and get the help as quickly and affordably as possible. Anything beyond that you can save for plumbing school if you’re ever in the mood to learn a thing or two.
Let’s break down the three major types of leaks that you could encounter in a home. Each section will describe the leak, the ways you can notice it’s there, and what you should do about it.
Gushing Leaks
Okay, so this might be the most obvious of the leaks you’d encounter. A pipe that’s gushing with water, usually the result of a burst pipe or something else, will be the easiest to notice. You’ll hear the sound of gushing water, sometimes see the gushing water, and even feel it if you’re in the vicinity. It’s important to shut your home’s water off the moment this leak becomes clear to you. This is because these types of leaks can waste a lot of water in a short amount of time. Don’t waste water that you’ll end up paying for.
So, in order of importance, you should first turn off your water. Then you should call for help. Then lastly, you should try to mop up any of the remaining water with some towels so you can avoid water damage down the line.
Medium Sized Leaks
What happens if a leak isn’t gushing, but it’s not tiny either? Well, then you’re probably dealing with a typical medium-sized leak. Luckily, you can deal with these kinds of leaks in the same way you’d deal with a larger leak. Turn your water off, call for help, and mop up the excess water. They might be harder to notice when it comes to finding them in the first place, but they aren’t as hard to find as pinhole leaks.
Pinhole Leaks
Pinhole leaks are tiny leaks that are the size of a pinhole. They’re often incredibly hard to find and can go unnoticed for months at a time-wasting water. The first issue you’ll have is locating the pinhole leak. The easiest way to notice if you’re suffering from a pinhole leak is to shut off all your water-consuming appliances and to check your water meter. If it’s still showing that there’s water being used, then it’s likely from a pinhole leak. Call for a professional so they can locate it and fix it accordingly.
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